Webster St Bridge
Sat, 25 Aug 2007 04:43 pm
By Admin

Today, the first part of the Webster St bridge was installed. Cranes lifted the concrete platform onto the pre-built support beam.
This necessitated cutting off the electricity supply to residents of Webster St for most of the day, as the overhead power lines were in the way of the cranes.
Closer to the shopping centre, the new multi-level car park continues to progress, with more concrete retaining walls being installed on the southern side. An new entrance to the underground carpark (chadstone place) is being dug, close to where the old roundabout was (now removed).
The road between the shopping centre and the Coles carpark has been closed to general traffic, and only buses are permitted. New foliage has been planted along the 'naturestrip' part of the new underpass, and is already looking much more pleasant.
New traffic signals are being installed on Warrigal Road to accommodate for the wider intersection and new lanes. The new curb has been set, leaving only the footpath concrete and the rest of the bitumen to be laid.