Chadstone Development Discussions


Preview of new Middle Rd Footpath, Lady takes risk on road

Wed, 10 Oct 2007 02:51 pm By Admin

The low-gradient ramp - Chadstone Development Discussions Looking down at traffic, from the elevated Middle Rd footpath - Chadstone Development Discussions Looking at Middle Rd from the new footpath - Chadstone Development Discussions The start of the unpaved footpath - Chadstone Development Discussions Exclusive to, several photos are available depicting the new footpath. Most of the lower (eastern) section has been fully concreted, with only the Webster St bridge and western end to go. Landscaping works are also taking place in order to beautify the walkway.

The new, elevated footpath/walkway gives an unprecedented view of the construction works happening down at the road level.

Some local residents have already taken a look for themselves, entering the construction site (footpath) during the quieter times. Ultimately, it will be up to you whether you want to 'trespass' onto the construction site to take in the view. Of course, the footpath will become a public area once the works are complete, but you won't be able to see the spectacular construction works.

Unfortunately, it is unclear to some elderly people where to walk, and one lady has risked her life by walking along Middle Road (on the bitumen alongside cars).
The Elderly lady is lucky not to be hit by a car - Chadstone Development Discussions

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