Parkies net $10,000s as Chaddy gets flooded with 2009 Boxing Day shoppers
Sat, 26 Dec 2009 02:34 pm
By Admin
Chadstone is open until Midnight on Boxing Day 2009.

On Boxing Day 2009, hundreds of thousands of shoppers flooded Chadstone to do their Boxing Day shopping. Every single carpark was overflowing, and finding a park was next to impossible. The overflowed caused some problems at intersections, especially on Middle Road where cars banked up to the traffic lights at Warrigal Road.

Plenty of traffic controllers, security staff and pedestrian crossing officers were on the job again today to ensure the smooth running of the day. Police were again in attendance in case incidents arose, which were likely given the sometimes bad tempered driving and car park pinching that could flare up into road rage.

Despite earlier warnings, some several hundred shoppers are still parking their vehicles in the surrounding 'Permit Zone' streets, without first checking for potential parking restrictions applying the street. Stonnington parking inspectors were in force for the entire day - Boxing Day has always been the big revenue raising day for them.

Some shoppers said they didn't care, and would rather put money in Stonnington's coffers than abide by the law. Nonetheless, streets filled with illegally parked vehicles. During the middle of the day Capon St, Webster St, Midlothian st, Virginia Gv and Castlebar Rd were filled with cars. Once the streets were full, shoppers then turned to parking on nature strips, which also attracted parking fines.
The fine has been lowered from $113 last year to $70 per offence this year.