Trucks using Webster Street
Sun, 16 Sep 2007 09:20 pm
By Admin

On Friday and Saturday, excavations on the remaining part of old Middle Road was in full swing again. Due to all the bitumen being ripped up and access to Warrigal Road being blocked, trucks have been using Webster Street (North) for access to the site, much to the dismay of residents. At one stage several cement mixer trucks were parked along Webster St. The trucks transporting excavated earth and clay were leaving thick trails of dust, covering any cars parked on or near the road.
Many residents are also becoming disgruntled at the noise the piling machines are making, from 7:30am on Saturday morning (The loud metal knocking sound every time the drilling mechanism is started or reversed). It can even be heard all the way down both ends of Webster St, and a few houses on Warrigal Road either side of middle road (even over the noise of regular traffic).